18:00 SAST

18:00  SAST

Seeking Permanence in Refugee Camps

Model. Meeah, Z. Unit 17. 2021.
Model Meeah, Z. Unit 17. 2021

Zubair Meeah

BArch 2021

Unit Leader: Gregory Katz
Unit Tutor: Jaco Jonker
Unit Assistant: Senzo Mamba

UNIT 17︎︎︎
To Be Orna-ment To Be
The conditions that humans experience in refugee camps are appalling. A lot of people in a small space with little to no food and difficulties finding clean water as well as a lack of safety for woman and children. Creating a better quality of life for displaced people is a necessity.

Current 3d printing building technologies have been explored and a mobile 3d printer vehicle was designed. This printer is smaller and cheaper and utilises easily available sand and clay to print structures with adobe. The printer uses its first layer as a track to lay its second layer. Due to the drying time of adobe, the print takes place over large areas at a time.

The building is designed to have multiple rooms in the same area allocated by the UNHCR (United Nations High Court for Refugees) camp specifications. The design created a space which is more comfortable and progressive. The printer allows for near endless customisation, which allows the space to constantly evolve according to the needs of the people.

Refugee, Displaced, Necessity

Contact Zubair Meeah:

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