18:00 SAST

18:00  SAST

18:00 – 19:00 SAST

Doorways and Alternatives

Generated Futures and Present Fictions

Structured grid, ISO Section, possible spaces. Wall of Irony. van Niekerk,T. Unit 13. 2021.
Structured grid, ISO Section, possible spaces. Wall of Irony. van Niekerk,T. Unit 13. 2021.

Tiaan van Niekerk

MArch 2021

Unit Leader: Claudia Morgado
Unit Tutor: Ruby Mungoshi
Unit Assistant: Azraa Gabru

UNIT 13︎︎︎
Second Nature | Shared Futures
This project investigates architectural expressions of our current relationship to the natural world as a resource to be exploited, extracted, polluted, and depleted. Through the use of design fiction and satire this proposal asks what role architecture can play in changing this current relationship?

Through satire the project “punches-up”, hitting only those in power. Whether the absurdly rich and their antics or the lazy human condition, no one is safe. The work consists of functional satirical architecture as a method of critique. The works will be structured like conventional architectural projects in order to disturb, probe, and question, through fictional narratives, the relationship to site, to user and to resource. The designs are intentionally problematic, and will be located in sites that allow us to recognise the connections between here and elsewhere, between the single and the many, between ourselves and others.

The architectural works become a space of active contemplation, a collection of different satirical takes that allow us to start asking “what if? Thus, the engagement with the work becomes a new kind of facility for public imagining, an accumulation of space and time where new worldviews, ideas and questions can be dialogued and developed, providing a platform for further collaborative speculation.

Satire, Irony, Absurd, Heterotopia, Human Vice, Social Reform

Contact Tiaan van Niekerk:

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