18:00 SAST

18:00  SAST

Remediating the Old Edendale Lead Mine through Spiritual Remediation

World Renewal Ceremony. Makgopa, P. Unit 15X. 2021.
World Renewal Ceremony. Makgopa, P. Unit 15X. 2021.

Pitsane Makgopa

BArch 2021

Unit Leader: Dr Finzi Saidi
Unit Leader: Jabu Makhubu
Unit Tutor: Dickson Adu-Agyei
Unit Tutor: Mathebe Aphane
Unit Assistant: Nomalanga Mahlangu

UNIT 15X︎︎︎
Toxic [Urban] Landscapes
There have been many different projects globally that have tried to improve cadastral and land administration systems (Hull, Babalola and Whittal, 2019). Around the world, different ethnic groups contest the eligibility of another group’s claim to land ownership. Babalola, Hull and Whittal (2019) state that: ”The value and meaning of land to landrights-holders is context specific so a system of land administration that reflects land values and meanings is also context specific”. There is a voice in the new world that seeks to correct past injustices and imbalances that are a direct result of colonialism and racial segregation. In South Africa, the black majority is mainly restricted to land ownership in past apartheid ‘homelands’.

This project aims to critique the use of a title deed in instances where land can hold sentimental value to a group of people. Certain questions will be raised around the need of a title deed in a modern day South Africa. What value does it hold? Does a title deed have sentimental value? I will look into what land ownership really means and the significance of a title deed as proof of land ownership in South Africa.

Reclaiming, Toxic, Ownership, Expropriating

Contact Pitsane Makgopa:

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