18:00 SAST

18:00  SAST

Colour and Climate Change

Researching New Ways of Coating in the Built Environment

Face Brick Partly Dipped. Williams, C. Unit 17. 2021
Face Brick Partly Dipped. Williams, C. Unit 17. 2021

Claudine Williams

MArch 2021

Unit Leader: Gregory Katz
Unit Tutor: Jaco Jonker
Unit Assistant: Senzo Mamba

UNIT 17︎︎︎
To Be Orna-ment To Be
Designing with colour has been growing as a method of self-expression in the built environment.

Despite it being considered “taboo” in modernist or contemporary architecture, paint is often used as the main tool of colouring and self-expression, but can also be harmful to the environment. The need to reinvent a colouring method that is more sustainable becomes evident.

What alternative can we use to colour our building elements without losing our voice of self-expression?

My research proposes to embed the colour and ornamentation within the material or object itself by using a natural dye system. These plant-based and unconventional dyes can be grown and used for more than one purpose.

The future of architecture is bright.

Climate Change, Coating, Colouring, Dyeing, Self-Expression

Contact Claudine Williams:

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