18:00 SAST

18:00  SAST


Unmasking the Agency of the Veil in Public Spaces

Structured grid, ISO Section, possible spaces. Wall of Irony. van Niekerk,T. Unit 13. 2021.
Affirmation-----Transformation-----Reclamation, A. Unit 18. 2021.

Atiyyah Ameen

MArch 2021

Unit Leader: Naadira Patel
Unit Leader: Sarah de Villiers
Unit Assistant: Nothando Lunga

UNIT 18︎︎︎
Hyperreal Prototypes: Supersurfaces
The Hyper-Unveiling uncovers and dissects the agency of the veil within public spaces, especially in how it is enacted on the female-identifying body. The project speaks through the multiplicity of the veil in literal terms as well as figurative terms. The work highlights the Muslim figure as its specimen series. The explorations dealt with and studied allow for the understanding and deconstruction of so-called ‘feminine dress wear’, cultural stereotypes, political manipulations, and ideologies to eventually be redrafted.

A mashribiya is an ancient architectural element which both acts as a screening device for separation of the male and female character as well as aids in locality of placing and ventilation of a space. This wooden lattice design has been co-opted for reconstruction throughout the final segment of work, deconstructing the chosen site through its apertures, porosities and visibilities of both space and the bodies within it. This architectural study, along with the study of the female-gendered positioning, identity and stereotypes have been addressed in several acts and narratives.

This project draws on the notions of architectural apertures and designs along with Islamic dress wear, including the burqa and purdah, and other architectural and feminine dress wear and manners related to the female body and concept of veiling. The project proposes new forms towards the presentation of the female figure which seek to express, represent and empower the image of the female body in public space in slightly new ways.

Traumatic Narratives, Resistant Front, Othered Body, Hyperveiled Surfacing, Cultural Stereotypes, Racial Misogyny, Adornment, Uninhabitable Space

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